School Streets in Harrow

School Streets Frequently Asked Questions

How does a School Street work?

A School Street is a road with a school on it, or near to it. Vehicles at both the start and end of the school day are not allowed to enter it. Traffic signs, on location, inform drivers of the timed restrictions. 

When do the School Streets operate?

See School Streets for details of each scheme, times and locations.

Which roads are inside the School Street area?

All roads highlighted in pink on the map are inside the School Street. Residents and businesses on those roads are eligible to apply for a virtual permit. This allows one to enter or leave the School Street without restriction.

Please see maps for more details:

Who is eligible for a permit?

  • residents and businesses of the Street(s),
  • carers to residents of the Street(s)
  • blue badge holders accessing the school* see below
  • taxis servicing the school
  • school buses
  • emergency vehicles
  • council waste vehicles
  • statutory undertakers (such as water and gas companies)
  • certain staff at schools

School staff can apply for a permit. They will need written authorisation from the school.

Can I apply for more than one permit?

Applications for more than one vehicle permit must be made separately. Residents and businesses must provide a V5C document for each vehicle they wish to register. A permit cannot be transferred between vehicles.

If I apply for a permit, can I drive my car on the same day?

No. All applications take a minimum of 3 working days to process. You will need to adhere to the restrictions until you your application is approved. If you do not have a permit, you will receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

I have a Blue Badge; do I need a permit?

The following blue badge holders can apply for a permit:

  • Those that work at a school or business within the School Street
  • Those that need to drop a member of staff or child to a business or school within the School Street

All must apply for a permit for their vehicle and provide a valid Blue Badge number.

Blue Badge holders who drive through an enforced street without authorisation risk getting a PCN.

I have a family member who sometimes picks up my child from school and looks after my child until I get home from work. Will they be able to apply for an exemption?

No. A carer is anyone, including children and adults, who look after a family member, partner or friend. The person in care is someone who needs help because of an:

  • illness
  • frailty
  • disability
  • mental health problem
  • addiction

They cannot cope without support. 

The rules concerning a person providing childcare are similar to those of a childminder. They will not be eligible to apply regardless of whether it’s a family member or a paid person/organisation.

Will vehicles receive a PCN if they don’t comply with the restriction?

Yes. This is a camera enforced measure. Vehicles that do not hold a valid permit will be issued with a PCN if they enter the School Street zone during operational hours.

What about deliveries?

We ask that such deliveries are scheduled outside the restriction times. They will not be exempt from the scheme.

What if builders need access to my property?

It is possible for builders and other tradespeople to enter the School Street zone outside the operational times.

What if you are expecting visitors during hours of restriction?

Visitors are not be allowed into the School Street zone during the operational hours. We ask that they park their vehicle outside the School Street area.

What if I am already parked inside the School Street before the operating time?

Vehicles already parked in the School Streets before the times of operation will be able to exit. If vehicles do not have a permit, they will receive a PCN on entering the School Street area.   We encourage everyone to avoid driving in the restricted sections during operational hours. This will allow more safe space for pupils outside their school.

During the operating times all vehicles are advised to travel at walking pace.

What if it's essential that I drive my child to school? Is this scheme designed to penalise me?

The aim is to assist with physical distancing for the school community. This makes it safer, healthier and more enjoyable for children travelling to school. The scheme is not designed to penalise parents.

Parents and carers who need to drive to school are encouraged to park and stride. This means parking away from the school and walking, scooting or cycling the rest of the way. If you decide to park and walk, please ensure to do so mindfully. Please don't cause disruption to neighbouring residents and businesses.

How will parents, carers and children with limited mobility be affected by School Streets?

A School Street makes it easier for pupils, parents and carers with reduced mobility to access their school. It achieves this by reducing congestion. This creates more space leading up to the school entrance.

Parents and carers of pupils who hold a valid Disabled Person’s Badge (DPB) will be eligible to apply for a permit. Other DPB holders will not be eligible.

Stopping on zig zags is prohibited

No stopping on school entrance zig zags still applies.

For further information, please email

If I have a hire/courtesy car, do I need to apply for the school streets exemption?

Yes, you will still need to complete the school street exemption form. This needs to be done before your vehicle passes into the school streets zone.

If you do receive a PCN and you have applied, please email

If you don’t apply for the exemption and you receive a PCN, then you will have to pay for this.