Designated Clinical Officer (DCO)

The Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) for Harrow is Corina Christos.

What the Designated Clinical Officer does

The DCO is employed by NHS North West London Integrated Care Board (ICB). The DCO works with colleagues in Harrow to improve health services for children and young people with SEND. The role is based on SEND reforms that emphasise joined up work between Health Commissioners, Providers and Local Authority colleagues. The DCO ensures joined up planning, practice and good outcomes for children and young people.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Looking After Health Needs: We ensure we understand and take care of the health needs of people with SEND. We do this by assessing, monitoring, and managing their needs effectively.
  2. Working Together: We partner with service providers and other organisations to make support services smooth and efficient.
  3. Planning Together: Take part in setting up and supporting integrated services and strategies. We get the community involved in plans and activities.

The Designated Clinical Officer:

  • facilitates the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process, and links it with local health care systems
  • co-ordinates assessment processes where health services are involved
  • provides a point of contact for local authorities, schools and colleges seeking health advice about children and young people who may have SEND
  • oversees all health professionals delivering healthcare to children and young people with SEND
  • ensures all health services are reflected in the Local Offer 
  • ensures that health providers work together to improve the Local Offer and provide clear health journeys
  • co-ordinates EHC assessments with other key health assessments
  • attends EHC panels to discuss which children go forward for assessments
  • provides professionals with the support and information needed for assessments
  • identifies and addresses commissioning gaps alongside commissioners and stakeholders

The DCO is committed to ensuring that individuals with SEND get the best possible support and services.