Early Years SEND Team (0-5 years)

The Harrow Early Years Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Team supports: 

  • Private, Voluntary, and Independent nurseries (PVI) 
  • childminders
  • school nurseries

They provide support with identification, assessment and intervention of SEN children. This is managed under the SEN Code of Practice 2014.  

As part of the Local Authority we comply with the following regulations: 

  • Equalities Act (2010)  
  • Children’s & Families Act Section 3 (2014) 
  • Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS 2021) 
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 (2014) 

What does the service provide? 

The Early Years SEND team offers a number of services, including: 

  • Supporting the inclusion of children with additional needs into a setting. 
  • Developing early years SEND practice within the PVI sector, childminders and up to the end of reception class. 
  • Adopting the graduated approach with the 4 stages of action:
    1.  Assess 
    2. Plan 
    3. Do 
    4. Review   
  • Advising and supporting with the completion of forms. This includes:
    • inclusion funding
    • transition
    • 2-year-old checks
    • EHC (Education, Health and Care) plan
    • referrals to other professionals such as Health services. 
    • Writing reports that incorporate advice and strategies for the staff (key-person) to support the individual child.  

These are to be shared with parents and other professionals involved with the child 

  • Provide support for the SENCOs in their settings. To ensure arrangements are in place to support children with SEND. This is done through training and Senco Surgeries and Networking Cluster groups. 
  • Strengthen links between the settings, parents, schools, and social care and health services. 
  • Support the development and delivery of SEND training. 

The service endeavours to give children the best start in their early years to prepare for child readiness. They do this by working closely with PVI settings, childminders and school nurseries, incorporating strategies through early intervention. 

How we work 

  • We are contacted regarding concerns around the child’s: 
  • communication and language 
  • cognition and learning 
  • social, emotional or mental health 
  • sensory/physical needs  

This service is used by settings that have concerns about a child’s learning and developmental needs. With parental permissions via the setting, meetings are arranged to discuss the child. Observation of the child might be necessary. In such cases it will be carried out with the key person and strategies will be set. Signposting to other appropriate professional services, if required. Further discussions may be arranged ensuring that strategies are being implemented and reviewed.