Preparing for transition to a new setting

Children can find transitioning to a new setting challenging. This is especially true for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The more you can do to make SEND children's transition smooth the more they'll benefit.  

It is important that practitioners work with parents/carers and children. The list below outlines the key stages in preparing for transitioning a child into a setting. 

Home visit 

Staff in the setting will arrange a home visit. This will happen once they have information about the child. The visit enables the child to start forming an attachment with the key person in a familiar setting. The staff aim to gain a better understanding of the child’s likes and interests. 

The visit is also an opportunity for the parents or carers to meet the key person in a safe environment. This helps to establish early, positive contact for the children in their own familiar setting. The key person can understand the learning that goes on at home. It also demonstrates what equipment/resources/strategies are used at home. 

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Invitation to a meeting 

This meeting allows for the discussion of the transition into the setting. It should be during the half term before the child is due to start. This will provide enough time for any plans or support to be arranged. Parents/carers or any professionals involved should be invited. This includes the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo). The purpose of the meeting is to begin gathering information. This enhances the relationship with the family. And offers the opportunity to raise concerns and to familiarise the family with the setting. 

An 'All about me form' will be used. It ensures that parents/carers share important information about their child. At this meeting a key worker appointed, a home visit arranged and a flexible transition action plan agreed. 

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Transition Action Plan 

The transition action plan is a tool that identifies any required adaptations. These can then be planned for and put into place before a child starts. This will be based on the information shared in the initial meeting. The plan will clearly set out what needs to be done, by whom and the time scale of any actions. A copy should be given to all those present at the meeting. See the transition action plan pro forma

This may involve identifying:

  • equipment and resources available in the setting 
  • equipment and resources needed 
  • training already received by staff
  • training that staff will need in order to support the child 
  • assigning a staff member to carry out a risk assessment 
  • a consideration of staffing ratios needed to support the child
  • activities (planning and differentiating) 
  • self-care and medication needs of the child and their management 
  • agreeing a settling in plan with the Early Years provider/setting 

It will be necessary to identify who could offer this support within the setting. 

A key worker must be assigned to the child. The child may need a second keyworker assigned to them. This would be to help manage personal care, medication administration and use of equipment.

A transition booklet could be provided to families to share with children before starting at the setting. It might include staff photographs, key areas, routines etc. 

During this preparation time training may be required. This would be to challenge stereotypes and promote positive attitudes amongst all children and staff. 

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Pre-visits to the setting 

Some children may already have a diagnosis or identified SEND. For others, this could be identified when attending the setting. It is therefore important for pre-visits to be made to the setting to help plan for the child’s start. This would be an opportunity for parents/carers to meet key worker/s and meet other staff and for the child to begin to become familiar with the setting. 

This will give staff an  opportunity to consider accessibility to different areas in the setting. There will be a plan to organise the environment so that it is suitable for those with SEND. You could ensure that activities are kept in well-defined areas. In addition have space between activities to allow for wheelchair access. This will reduce the risk of trip hazards. It will also support those with visual difficulties (EYFS 3.55 & 3.56). 

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Starting at the setting 

There will be flexibility around attendance, length and frequency of sessions, based on the child's needs.  

A graduated start may be necessary. A child can attend for a short period each day, or for a reduced number of days per week. This is based on the work of Emmi Pikler (2001, 2003), and Ainsworth and Bowlby (1991) and their theory of attachment. 

Initially the child may need support from their parents/carers in the setting. During this time, the parents/carers should be available to support their child. This will ease the transition for their child from home to the setting. It will also help staff get to know the child. 

The child spends time in the setting room whilst parents/carers are in another part of the building. Parents/carers and the key person will discuss when the child is ready for this step. This allows the child to explore the setting and have her or his needs met by the key person and the rest of the staff. This might be for quite a short period at first, and then for longer stretches of time. It is important that the parents/carers clearly tell their child that they will be leaving the setting room. It is also important that they do not leave the building without first talking with the key person. 

Leaving the child at the setting independently will be discussed with parents/carers and the key worker when the child is ready. It's important for parents/carers to say goodbye to their child clearly and say when they will return. This is so that their child knows what is going on and can express how he or she feels about it. Some parents/carers find it easier to set a limit on how long they will stay at dropping‐off time. For example “I’ll read two books with you and then it will be time for me to go.” 

An example of the possible stages in the settling in process is illustrated in the table below: 


What happens 

Stage 1

Parents/carers and child spend an hour together in the setting. 

Stage 2

Parents/carers and child spend an hour and a half in the setting. If appropriate, the child will spend 20 minutes in the setting without the parents/carers. Parent/carer needs to stay in the building. 

Stage 3

Once the child is comfortable separating from their parents/carers, child builds up to 1 ½ hours in the setting without the parents/carers. Parents/carers stays in the building. 

Some children need a longer period at some stages. This requires monitoring and discussion between setting staff and parents/carers. 

Planned review 

A planned review can be used. This could be after 6 weeks or at another agreed time. It will focus on how the settling in and transition process has been for parents/carers, staff and the child. This can also be an opportunity to fill in the SEN Early Years Support Plan six week review of development areas if required. 

Some children need an Educational Health Care Plan (EHC plan). This helps them to be included within the setting. It's the responsibility of all Early Years practitioners to co-operate with this process.

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