Health and social benefits

In the UK, older people and those with disabilities can get help to make life easier. There may be some benefits to help cover extra costs from disabilities or long-term health issues. You might be able to get free or cheaper healthcare.

This includes prescriptions, eye tests, and dental care. There are community groups and cheaper travel options to help people stay active and connected. These benefits are there to help people live well and stay independent. All the benefits below are managed and paid for by the central government.

Attendance Allowance

If you have a disability that needs care, the Attendance Allowance can cover your extra costs. You can apply for Attendance Allowance if you are aged 65 or over. You will also qualify if you are physically or mentally disabled. For more information, see GOV.UK: Attendance Allowance.

Carer's Allowance

You can apply for Carer's Allowance if you are 16 or over and care for someone for at least 35 hours a week. For more information, see GOV.UK: Carers Allowance.

Disability Living Allowance for children (DLA)

The DLA is for disabled children under 16 years of age. For more information, see GOV.UK: DLA.

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

You can apply for ESA if you have an illness or disability that affects your ability to work. For more information, see GOV.UK: ESA.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

You can apply for PIP if you are aged between 16 and 64. PIP helps with some extra costs from a disability or a long-term illness. For more information, see GOV.UK: PIP.

Disabled people

You can see what other benefits you can apply for at GOV.UK financial help. These are available for people with disabilities.