What is Autism and Asperger's Syndrome?
- Autism and Asperger's Syndrome affect how people think, feel, and communicate. People with Autism or Asperger’s may find it hard to talk to others. They may also find it hard to understand feelings or handle busy places. They might like routines and struggle with change. Everyone with Autism is different. Some may need more help, while others can manage well on their own. For more information see the NHS website.
Diagnosis and assessments
If you think you're autistic and would like a diagnosis, speak with your doctor. They will ask you some questions and find out how the condition is affecting you.
If you have an Autistic diagnosis and need support, you should get a care needs assessment. If you're not offered an assessment, you have the right to request one.
If you have a learning disability
People with a learning disability who think they have Autism can receive a diagnosis. The CNWL - Learning Disabilities service will make the diagnosis. To assess your care needs, contact our adult social services.
What support is available?
Support is available for Autistic people, or people with Asperger's Syndrome.
- The National Autistic Society (NAS). NAS is a UK charity for Autistic people and people with Asperger's Syndrome.
- Centre for ADHD and Autism Support. They support those with a diagnosis of ADHD or Autism. They also support parents and carers of someone with a diagnosis. They provide advice, training and practical help.
- Harrow Association for Disabled people (HAD). HAD helps people with disabilities. Their free service can help you have your say.
- Harrow Mencap. They work with people with learning disabilities. They ensure that their needs, rights, and aspirations are met.
Government strategy
The Autism Act 2009 committed the government to publish a strategy. It is called Fulfilling and rewarding lives. It aims to transform services for Autistic adults. This strategy sets out some key actions and recommendations for:
- Central government.
- Local authorities.
- NHS.
- Jobcentre.