Commissioning priorities
There is a huge opportunity for mental health services to be integrated by working together through the Harrow Borough Based Partnership (HBBP). This means working closely with the wider health system and with social care to give better, more joined up care for people with mental illness.
The HBBP Mental Health Workstream utilise the 3 Pillars, Prevention, Living Well and Crisis to set out its work. The plan now is to focus on mapping out the service offer on prevention and recovery. This will inform the development of an integrated mental health offer in the out of hospital setting for all our population.
A sub-group has been established to undertake a population health management approach on tackling health inequalities in mental health services for black males. Greater emphasis is being put on dementia care, with a new sub-group to focus on dementia post diagnostic support. Members of the group will concentrate on both clinical and social input and engage any overlap with frailty.
Harrow and CNWL are developing a new operating model for mental health services and decoupling the former arrangements provided by CNWL. This is a further opportunity to shape the operating model to achieve positive outcomes for residents of Harrow.
- Find more information on the future of Mental Health services in Harrow.
- Find more information on our current and future commissioning activities for mental health please read our Market Position Statement.
- Find information of the Support Services currently available.