Commissioning for those with learning disabilities and autism

We work in line with the guidelines set by the government. This is determined by the Joint Commissioning Strategy for people with learning disabilities and autism: 2022/26. It launched in December 2022. It's sometimes called the LDA Strategy.

We, along with health and local organisations, work together to find solutions to improve lives. There is a focus on crisis prevention, early intervention, and support. We support people before their situation worsens and they need medical help.

The key aim is to tackle health and social inequalities for people with learning disabilities and autism. Five key priorities have been identified:

  • Personalised care and support.
  • Appropriate information, referrals, and support.
  • Living in local communities.
  • Responsive healthcare.
  • A skilled workforce.

We provide a range of ways to get involved and help shape our services. You can connect with us online or attend meetings.

Listed below are several groups that people can join to share their views. These include Task and Finish and Working Groups. This is part of the work of the LDA Strategy Outcomes Framework:

Reignite Employment Workshop

This group seeks to improve jobs for people in Harrow. The group reviews and revises the path to sustainable work. Current aims include improving and increasing roles for those who can access:

  • Volunteering.
  • Internships.
  • Apprenticeships.
  • Training and employment.

Supported Accommodation Group

This group aims to improve the variety and quality of supported housing for people in Harrow. The group reviews and revises the path to suitable housing. The aim is to prepare people for adult, independent living. The service looks at a range of educational residential placements, through to extra care in later adult life.

Day opportunities and meaningful activities

This group aims to improve the variety and quality of day activities for people in Harrow. They are reviewing new models of providing activity and support. These are beyond building-based services. This is to give people more choice to pursue their ambitions.

All Task and Finish Groups and Working Groups report to two strategic groups. They meet quarterly. This keeps everyone on track and serves to inform:

  • Directors.
  • Portfolio holders for adult and children's services.
  • Partnership and wellbeing boards.
  • Harrow Health and Care Executive.

To join the Task and Finish and Working Groups, you can email

Market Position Statement (MPS)

Our MPS provides information on the current demand and supply in Harrow, and future demand. It also states our commissioning intentions. The MPS is a dynamic document. It will be updated frequently. It aims to help our current and potential providers develop their services. Download our MPS.