What is contract monitoring?
- Contract monitoring is when we assess the performance of a service provider. It ensures they deliver care per their contract's terms and standards. It involves reviewing the quality of care. It also looks at how compliant they are with regulations.
We know that some of our residents need specialist support. These may include:
- Care home placements.
- Respite services.
- Supportive accommodation. (Due to disabilities or vulnerability).
We aim to provide the teams with the best information. This enables safe placements for residents in and out of Harrow. These teams include:
- Social Care Management Teams.
- Arranging Care.
- Safeguarding.
- Market Management.
- Quality Assurance.
Principles of contract monitoring
The principles are to ensure all checks are made. This is for the safety of vulnerable adults who are or will be receiving care. The principles include:
- Individuality. Each service user will be recognised and respected as an individual. The contractor should meet its users' needs and wishes.
- Dignity. We must always safeguard the dignity and self-respect of service users. People with dementia must be given the same dignity and respect as others.
- Privacy. Service users must be able to have privacy at times when they need it.
- Confidentiality. Information must be respected and protected.
- Normality. The contractor will offer a pattern of care that is as normal as possible. They will avoid stigma or separation from the community.
- Participation. Users must be enabled to share in the home's decision-making and running. Users should be encouraged to share their ideas.
- Social relationships. Staff and other helpers will build good relationships in the home. They will help users share in group activities and feel comfortable with each other.
- Personal development. Users must be able to enjoy new experiences and keep their skills.
- Independence. Care practices should help users to be independent.
- Protection. The contractor must protect users from risks. Staff must know the signs that show a service user may be in danger.
- Managing difficult behaviour. Staff must know how to handle violent or anti-social behaviour.
- Managing risk. We must balance risk protection with the right to be independent. We should acknowledge difficult decisions about protection. They should be shared with the user, carers, and the council. This should be based on a multi-disciplinary review.
The Contract Monitoring team will involve all parties. It will use open communication channels. Their reports will cover the results of checks on providers. It will assess their suitability to provide the required services.