
What is dementia?

  • Dementia is a condition that affects the brain. It can make it harder for a person to remember things, think clearly, or do everyday tasks. People with dementia might forget names or get confused about where they are. It can also change how they feel and behave. Dementia happens more often as people get older, but it is not a normal part of ageing. There are different types of dementia. Doctors can help those who have it. For more information, see the Alzheimer's Society.

Diagnosis of dementia

A diagnosis of dementia may create very mixed emotions. Accepting it and planning are key to living well with dementia. Getting help from health and social care workers can help. Harrow Memory Services can provide:

  • Information about your type of dementia and how it will affect you.
  • Any other tests, treatments, or therapies that might help.
  • Information about who will provide your care and how to contact them. This includes who will coordinate your care.
  • Support groups and charities that can help you.

This information should be explained to you and given to you in writing. You can ask for it to be provided in a format that you find easy to understand.

If you are worried about your memory, make an appointment to see your GP. The earlier you get help, the sooner you can get advice and support. Your GP will listen to your concerns. They may arrange for further tests. You may be referred to the Memory Assessment service.

Dementia hubs

Our hubs offer support for people living with dementia. They provide a local service where you can meet others with dementia. You can also meet with their carers. To enquire about booking a place, call: 020 8736 6400.

Monthly activities

Date Time Activity Venue
1st Wednesday of every month 1:30pm - 3pm Friendship café for Dementia Carers and loved ones Old Lyonians, 74 Pinner View, HA1 4QF
2nd Wednesday of every month 3pm - 5pm Dementia hub for carers Knights Court care home (Residents Only) Knights Court Care Home, 107 High Street, Edgware, HA8 7DB
3rd Wednesday of every month 2pm - 4pm Dementia hub for carers who have loved ones in hospital Ward Block - Northwick Park Hospital (please see posters in hospital for details)
4th Wednesday of every month 1pm - 3pm Friendship café for carers Stanmore Chapel, Marsh Lane/ Nelson Road, HA7 4HP

Looking after someone with dementia

Many carers don't see themselves as carers. But, if you care for someone who is ill, disabled, or frail, we can help. We can offer information and advice on our support for your caring role.

Sources of support

  • National Dementia Helpline: 0300 222 11 22. Information and advice about dementia.
  • Dementia UK. A national charity. It aims to improve life for people with dementia. It offers advice to families living with dementia. They have registered nurses and dementia experts.
  • Alzheimer's Research UK. They carry out dementia research. They answer questions about dementia. Call them on: 0300 111 5 111.
  • Age UK. They have advice on many topics. These include benefits, planning, and choosing a care home. They also have information on local activities. Call them for free on: 0800 055 6112.
  • The Carers Trust. They have advice for carers on their website. It includes how to get support for yourself.
  • Carers UK. A national charity for carers. They offer advice on benefits and practical support.

Our trained team at Access Harrow can help you at each step. This could include:

  • Advice.
  • Resources.
  • Community services.
  • Other council departments.
  • Signposting to appropriate information.
  • Referral to adult social care. This includes checking for a funded support options.