What are the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)?
- The DoLS are rules to protect people who can’t make decisions for themselves. These rules ensure that people are not held in care or treatment against their will. They may be held only if it's for their safety and is checked by law. If care restricts someone's freedom, the law protects their rights. This page will explain what DoLS are and how they help keep people safe.
The DoLS are part of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. They protect vulnerable people who:
- Are staying in care homes or hospitals.
- Are in situations where their freedom is limited.
- Lack the mental capacity to decide which care or treatment they need.
When DoLS need to be considered
DoLS apply when a person is under constant supervision and control, and not free to leave. The DoLS used to only applied in hospitals and care homes. The criteria now apply to more living arrangements. This means that many more individuals will face a loss of liberty. They will be protected by the DoLS procedure.
An application for DoLS has to be made to the Court of Protection for:
- Supported living environments.
- Adult placements.
- Small group homes.
Applying for a DoLS assessment
The assessment is for people who live in Harrow, including self-funders. Or those placed out of Harrow but funded by either us or the CCG. You will need to complete the relevant form and email it to us:
Once completed, please return the forms to us either via:
- Safehaven fax machine: 020 8416 8269
- Secure email such as CJSM, Egress Switch, Cisco: dols@harrow.gov.uk
If you need help, contact our Safeguarding Adults team on 020 8736 6153.
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