Improving the lives of our older residents

More people are living longer and happier lives. We recognise that more people age with health issues and care needs. 

We aim to provide access to early help and personalised support. We want to help older people, their families, and carers to be healthy and well. We want to help them be more independent at home. We want them to be more confident to go out.

It is key to find ways for older people to live better for longer. We must manage long-term conditions like dementia. This will help us develop better care and support.

We collaborate with partners to provide:

  • Information and advice.
  • Early preventive support.
  • Technology-based care solutions.
  • Equipment aids.
  • Enabling models of care at home.

Where older people are unable to stay at home, we will look to expand the use of extra care housing. To maximise safe, independent living in the community. We aim to reduce the impact of frailty and social isolation. We will ensure a good supply of care home services. They must improve lives, including end-of-life care.

Our integrated health and social care system will need us to work more closely with all partners. It will enable new, flexible, and quick delivery models. They will improve long-term health and care.