An emergency duty social worker is on duty at all times out-of-hours. This is necessary to meet urgent needs that cannot wait until the next working day.
When you call, an operator will pass the details to the duty social worker. They will return your call as soon as possible and always within an hour.
The social worker may give you advice and guidance on how to deal with the problem. They may refer the matter to the specialist service the next working day. Alternatively they may arrange immediate help if necessary from Social Care Services or other agencies.
Duty social workers work closely with other agencies. These include the out-of-hours services of Harrow Mental Health Services; part of CNWL NHS Foundation Trust.
Duty Social Workers deal mainly with
- urgent difficulties with children and young people
- child protection matters
- older people who are at risk or who need immediate help
- concerns about a person with a physical or sensory disability
- urgent support for someone with mental ill-health or severe learning difficulties
- Mental Health Act Assessments
- vulnerable people in Police custody
- homelessness