Mental health and well-being

Your mental health and well-being matter, and you’re not alone. Life can be challenging at times, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, anxious, or low. Taking care of your mind is just as important as taking care of your body.

Whether you're looking for support, tips to feel better, or simply a safe space to explore your feelings, we're here to help. This page aims to help you on your journey to better mental health.

It offers understanding, encouragement, and practical resources. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is progress.

Need to talk to someone?

In an emergency where there is an immediate risk to life, call 999 or go to A&E.

If you need to talk to someone, please call 111 and select the mental health option. You will have a relaxed chat with a trained mental health expert. They will listen to you and suggest whether you need an urgent referral.

You can call for yourself or for someone else. NHS 111 is for all ages, including children. It is also for people with neurodevelopmental needs. People who are deaf or have hearing loss can access NHS on their website.

See NHS 111 online

Tips for improving our mental health

Good mental health is key to our physical health, relationships, and work. It can help us to cope with life’s problems and enjoy the good things that life has to offer. There are things we can actively do to protect our well-being, and they can be simple and fun.


Relationships are important for your mental health. Things you can do include:

  • Having dinner with your family.

  • Visiting a friend.

  • Having lunch with a colleague.

  • Volunteering at a local community group.

Talk about how you feel and ask others how they are feeling. Don’t be scared to ask for or seek help.

Be active

Step outside, go for a walk, or run. Find a physical activity you enjoy. It should suit your mobility and fitness. Regular exercise is good for your health and fitness. It is linked to lower rates of depression and anxiety.

Take notice

Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness). Be curious, catch sight of the beautiful, savour the moment! Try this during lunch, on your walk to work, and with friends and family.

Keep learning

Learning new skills can improve your wellbeing. It boosts your self-confidence and raises your self-esteem. It helps you find purpose and connect with others. You could try to learn a new recipe or a DIY project. You could also sign up for a local college course or a new hobby.

Doing something you are good at will boost your confidence. It will also help you feel better about yourself.

Give to others

Do small acts of kindness. Or, do larger ones, like volunteering in your local community. Smiling and asking friends, family, or colleagues how they are can be rewarding. Offering to help or volunteering at a school or care home can be, too.

Be creative

Being creative can stimulate your imagination. It can help you gain control and inspire change and growth. Sometimes, doing nothing is best. So, be kind to yourself. Take a break and look around. Ideas include:

  • Drawing.

  • Puzzles.

  • Baking or cooking.

  • Knitting and sewing.

  • DIY.

  • Writing.

  • Gardening.

Accept yourself

We’re all unique, and that is something to celebrate. Don't compare yourself to others on social media. We all have something to offer. This will enable you to live life in a more positive way.

Eating well, quit smoking or limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol is a depressant. These are all positive steps we can take to improve our health and well-being.

Check in with other people

Talking to a close friend or family member can help to break down barriers. It can help you open up and talk about anything that might be affecting you. You can use prompts and questions like:

  • How are you?

  • How are you feeling?

  • I have noticed....

  • What support do you need?

  • What do you need from me right now?

  • How are you finding your current workload?

  • What challenges are you dealing with?

Speak to your GP

If you feel that self-help isn't right for you, you can see your GP for advice and treatment.


The mental health directory

Our mental health directory is provided by Mind in Harrow. It is created on behalf of us and NHS Harrow. It has details of all mental health services in Harrow, including:

  • Statutory social work services.
  • Counselling services.
  • How to access a GP.
  • How to access specialist mental health services.

View the directory

Treatment for depression and anxiety

There is a programme to treat depression and anxiety. It is called Harrow Talking Therapies. It's a free, confidential NHS service. For more information, see Harrow Talking Therapies.

Support groups

  • Good thinking. Mental health resources for Londoners. Supported by the NHS, GLA and Public Health England.    

  • 5 steps to mental well-being. Hints from the NHS to help you feel more positive.

  • ACAS.  Gives employees and employers free advice on workplace rights and best practice.

  • Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust Recovery College. A range of courses, workshops and resources. They are free to people who use Central and North West London NHS Foundation services. Free to people discharged from the Trust's services in the last 12 months.

  • Debt advice. No matter how desperate things seem, there are ways to manage your debts.

  • Harrow Cove. Providing mental health support. Drop-in support, emotional support and signposting.

  • Harrow CAMHS. It provides community mental health services to children and young people, up to 18, with complex issues. It also helps their families.

  • Harrow Horizons. A mental health and wellbeing service for children and young people. It is delivered throughout the Harrow community.

  • Keeping well. An online resource for health and care staff.

  • Kooth. A community for young people, online, to improve their mental well-being.

  • Mental Health Foundation. Anyone can follow this advice, which is free. Why not start today?

  • Mental health helpline and websites. A NHS guide with contacts for various charities and support groups.

  • More steps to well-being. Suggestions from Mind to help your mental health.

  • Need to Talk. Counselling services in Harrow. Funded by the National Lottery. It is a safe, non-judgemental place. A qualified counsellor provides one-to-one sessions.

  • NHS Every Mind Matters. General mental health support. Also, help for those anxious about COVID and its effects.

  • NHS mindfulness resources. Reconnecting with the world and our bodies can help with many mental health issues.

  • Young Harrow Foundation. A membership organisation that supports charities. Supporting children and young people in Harrow.

  • Samaritans. Call 116 123. Every 10 seconds, Samaritans respond to a call for help. No judgement. No pressure.

  • Shout text crisis service: 85258