Adult social care

Managing your adult social care payments

After a financial assessment, you should know the amount you need to pay. You must pay this amount monthly. You will be sent a letter advising you of the outcome of your financial assessment. This letter will also include a Direct Debit form for you to complete. Please upload your Direct Debit form below.

Once you have set up a Direct Debit, you will receive an invoice. This invoice should get to you around 10 days before payment is due. It will confirm that a Direct Debit has been set up with your bank.

There are a few other ways to pay for your care, so you can choose what works best for you.

Confused about your care payments?

  • Paying for your care can be confusing for some. We have made every effort to explain the process as clearly as possible. But, if you need some help or would like to discuss your care payments, call us on 020 4583 4047. If you receive care from a private care organisation, contact them directly.

Pay by Direct Debit

Paying by Direct Debit is the most efficient way to pay for your social care. These are regular payments. You can choose whether you want the payments to come out on the 1st or 15th of the month. To set up a Direct Debit you will need to:

  • Download and print our Direct Debit form.
  • Enter your bank details.
  • Enter your invoice number. This will be on your social care invoice.
  • Scan your completed form and upload it below.

Upload your Direct Debit form


You can also set up a Direct Debit by phone. Call us on: 020 8901 2615.

Pay on our website

You can also pay your social care invoice online. To make a one-off payment, you will need:

  • Your invoice number. (This will be on any of your social care invoices).

Pay online

Pay by phone

You can also pay your social care invoice over the phone. To make payment by phone, you will need to:

  • Call 020 8424 1220 (24hr service - select option 5).

Please have ready your invoice number, card details, and the amount you are paying.

Returning unused funds

If you receive your care budget through direct payments, someone will review it regularly. This is because these are public funds and are subject to monitoring.

If you get direct payments for your care, you might not always use all the money. When this happens, you will need to return the unused funds to us. This is because the money is meant to pay for your care and support, not for anything else.

Returning unused money helps to make sure the system is fair. It also lets us allocate money to support everyone who needs care. If the following applies to you, you will need to return your unused funds to us:

  • You have been told by an officer to return any surplus in your Direct Payments Account.
  • You have been told by your social worker or care manager following a review.
  • If your budget account is closed after final monitoring.
  • If you have received an overpayment due to a decrease in the package.

Pay back unused funds


If you are unsure or need any help, please email for support.

The Care Act 2014

The Care Act 2014 created a single law for charging for care and support. This includes discretion on whether to charge or not. If a local authority arranges care to meet a user's needs, they may charge the adult. The exception is if they arrange care and support free of charge.

Complain about your social care

Submitting a complaint may feel difficult. But, it's vital to ensure that concerns are heard and improvements made. We aim to address your concerns with empathy and respect.

We want to work together to improve the care experience. To submit a complaint, see Complain about your social care.