Council Tax Support

Changes to Council Tax Support from 1 April 2025

We’ve changed how Council Tax Support is calculated for some residents to reduce the amount of money the council spends on this benefit.

The council ran a 12-week public consultation last year proposing these changes. Among the responses we received was strong support for protecting the most vulnerable recipients.

Two thirds of all households that get Council Tax Support, including those that are of state pension age and the majority of disabled claimants, will have no change to their entitlement.

For more information about the changes, please go to our Council Tax Support for people who receive Universal Credit (UC) page.


Council Tax Support is a reduction for council tax payers with a low income.

You cannot get Council Tax Support if you:

  • have more than £16,000 in savings and investments
  • are a full-time student. If you have a partner who is not a student, your partner may be able to make a claim.

Before you apply, you can find out if you are likely to qualify using the Benefits calculator.

How to apply for Council Tax Support

  • You must apply for Council Tax Support through your MyHarrow Account.
  • If you don't already have a MyHarrow Account, please register first. Then, you can access the application form.
  • The person claiming Council Tax Support must complete the form themselves. If you are applying on behalf of someone else you must have Power of Attorney (proof will be required)
  • The form will ask about you and any people who live with you, You will need to provide details of income, capital and other benefits currently received. 
  • You can  save your progress using the 'Save' button in the top right of the form. When you next log in to your account, you can access the saved form on the 'My Activity' tab

Register or Log in


Providing documents

When we receive your completed application, you will get an email telling you what documents you need to provide. For further information see our guidance for Providing documents for Council Tax Support.

Do check your junk and spam folders for the email.

European Union (EU) nationals and the European Union Settlement Scheme (EUSS)

If you are an EU national who has been resident in the UK since before 1st January 2021, you will need to prove your status to qualify. This adheres to the European Union Settlement Scheme (EUSS). For information see the EU Settlement Scheme.

Backdating your claim

For information on backdating your claim, see Backdating your benefit.

How we will share your information 

We will use the information you provide to process your application. We will also use the information you provide for other purposes. For further detail please download our privacy notice.