Financial help for care leavers

We will help you to develop the skills to manage your money and claim any benefits you may be entitled to.
The Council may still provide some financial support once you are 18, but in most cases the Council will no longer provide support with daily living costs. You will start to get more of your income from a combination of work, educational grants and benefits.
If you need to claim benefits, your Personal Advisor (PA) will be there to guide you through this process. Before you turn 18, your PA will:
- help you open a bank account
- make sure you have Identification Documentation (ID)
- help you to make your claim
- make sure that you get all that you are entitled to
We will arrange this before your 18th birthday, so that everything goes smoothly.
Your PA or social worker will make sure that someone is there to support you, just in case things don’t go according to plan.
Ongoing support
If you ever run into any difficulty with your benefits, for example if they are stopped, you should contact your PA immediately.
Debt and money worries can have a serious impact on your well-being. If you have money worries, it is important that you contact us straight away. Acting early can stop things getting worse.
We are here to support you. While we won’t be able to give you more money than you are entitled to, we will find ways for you to manage your finances. If you have any money worries at all, please get in touch.
Council tax
Harrow Care Leavers do not need to pay Council tax until their 25th Birthday.
For details and to apply, see Council tax exemption for care leavers
Emergency Payments
There may be unexpected situations that could leave you in a financial crisis or at risk of not being able to eat or heat your home.
If this happens, a one-off emergency payment can be provided. We will talk to you about this option should the need arise.
Help with your rent
You may be able to claim benefits to help pay your rent. Depending on your circumstances and type of accommodation, you can claim either Universal Credit or Housing Benefit.
Your Personal Advisor will help you to apply.
Benefits can pay for all or part of your rent. If you are likely to have difficulty paying your full rent, you can apply for Discretionary Housing Payments.
These are not guaranteed, but the council may be able to help you for a period until you find other accommodation or earn enough to pay your rent yourself.
There may be extra help with housing costs if agreed by the Director of Deputy Director of Children's Services. This will depend on a financial assessment.
Setting up home allowance
It is an exciting time being able to choose your own furniture and how your home will look. We will provide you with a grant of £3000.
This will not be given to you in one lump sum, but will be given through your Personal Advisor. They will help you to spend it. The grant is not intended to meet the costs of personal support or accommodation costs.
This payment is an important mark of your independence, so we will want you to spend it wisely and on things that will help you to make this important step towards independence.
Travel costs for training and interviews
We can help you with:
- travel fares to job and education interviews.
- purchasing suitable clothing for job interviews or jobs which require specialist equipment.
- a travel warrant to support contact with your family if you or they live outside of Harrow.
Budgeting skills training
Managing your money is a key part of adult life. We will support you to develop budgeting skills, and you will be invited to attend a “My BNK” training, which takes twice a year, and is open to all care leavers.
Savings and Junior ISA
We put away savings for all children looked after by Harrow. If you have been in local authority care for 12 months or more you can get a £200 payment from the government into a Junior ISA.
You can only access your savings or your Junior ISA after you turn 18. Your Personal Advisor will help you access your ISA. These savings are important to help set you up for your adult life.
TV Licence
Everyone who watches TV, even if it is only via a catch-up service or online on your laptop has to have and pay for a licence.
Payments can be divided up into weekly or monthly payments, and again, your PA will support you to apply. You are at risk of a fine or worse if you do not have a licence.