The Children Looked After service

The Children Looked After service has two teams

  • Children Looked After team (CLA)
  • Leaving Care Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children team


The CLA team consists of six social workers, one team manager and one senior practitioner.

They are responsible for:

  • supporting and managing children and young people who are looked after by Harrow Council
  • working with children and young people to support permanency placement arrangements
  • determining permanency arrangements for looked after children
  • managing the transition to the leaving care team or adoption team

The Leaving Care & Unaccompanied Asylum Children team

This team is responsible for young adults up to age 21 or 24 if in higher education. They support young adults to transition to independent living. They also help young adults to engage with education, training and/or employment.

The team is responsible for:

  • supporting unaccompanied asylum young people under the age of 18 years
  • supporting care leavers (including asylum seeking young people) over the age of 18 years to make the successful transition to independent living

View our Placement Sufficiency Strategy