Children Looked After health team
All Children Looked After receive a health assessment. This is a chance for them to have a chat about their health and to check that they are as healthy as they can be.
What is a health assessment?
The health assessment is your opportunity to see a doctor or nurse. It's an opportunity for you to ask any health related questions that are important to you. For example you could ask about healthy eating, exercise, smoking, relationships and sexual health. At the assessment your weight and height will be measured, however you can refuse any of the tests if they make you feel uncomfortable.
Why does it matter?
You have a right to be healthy and it is important for you to keep fit, safe and well. Sometimes if you have moved a lot, you might not have had all the health care that you need such as dental care and an eye test.
Your views
After every health assessment you have the opportunity to tell us your views. This helps us improve our service, both for you and other children and young people who are looked after.
Useful websites
- NHS - provides access to a range of health information