These pages have details of support available from the London Borough of Harrow, the Government, companies and charities.
Check your benefit entitlement
Find out if you can get any benefits from either the government or the council using the benefits calculator.
After you have entered your details, the calculator will tell you how to claim any benefits you don't already get.
You can also use it to check if you are getting the correct amount.
Household Support Fund
The Council's Household Support Fund may be able to help through:
- Help Harrow: Access to food supplies as well as advice on energy, health, wellbeing and benefits
- Application Scheme: One-off payments that qualifying households can apply for
- Vouchers for Low-income Households: The council will contact eligible households. They will be sent a voucher
- Free School Meals during the Holidays: Vouchers will be given to vulnerable households
Find out more about the Household Support Fund
Help with the cost of housing
If you are struggling with the cost of housing, check you're getting the correct benefits using the Benefits Calculator. If you are still struggling to pay your rent, you can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment.
If you think are are going to become homeless, please read our information on What to do if you think you will be homeless.
For help with mortgage payments see Mortgage arrears advice
Warm Hubs
Warm Hubs are safe places offering a friendly and inclusive welcome. People can come along on their own, or with a friend, and talk to others over a hot drink.
Training and employment
Xcite is a free training and employment programme for people in Harrow. It provides a full range of support to help Harrow residents into work.
Find out more about the Xcite programme
Free and discounted activities
You can find free activities at: