Empty property exemptions

Empty property previously occupied by a student

The property is exempt from council tax if both of these conditions are met:

  • when the property was occupied it was the sole or main residence of a student
  • only students lived there.

If they were not a student when they left the property, they must have become a qualifying student within 6 weeks of leaving. The exemption only applies while they remain a student. Apprentices and Youth Training trainees are not eligible for this exemption.

Supporting documents

You will need to provide proof of the following:

  • proof from the local authority where their term time address is, that they qualify for the exemption
  • proof of living somewhere where they are not subject to paying council tax e.g. halls of residence
  • proof of empty property

Apply for an exemption for a property previously occupied by a student

To apply you will need to:

  • Download and complete the application form
  • Scan your supporting documents and application form using either a scanner or taking a picture of it using your mobile phone.
  • Attach the image and answer all the questions on the evidence form