Subject access request

Right to be forgotten

You can request that we delete our records or some of our records that contain your personal information.

If your personal information has been shared with others, we will do what we can to make sure those using your personal information comply with your request for erasure.

Circumstances in which you can ask for your personal information to be deleted include:

  • your personal information is no longer needed for the reason it was collected
  • you've removed your consent for us to use your information (if there's no legal reason us to use it)
  • there's no legal reason for the use of your information
  • deleting the information is a legal requirement

When this doesn't apply

We won't be able to delete the information if any of the following apply:

  • we need the information to provide a service we are authorised to provide by law, for a legal obligation or we believe the data to be necessary for a task in the overriding public interest
  • the information is required for a contract to which you are party
  • records are needed to protect public health
  • we need the data to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim
  • records are needed for archiving in the public interest or for scientific or historical interest

Subject access request

Make an online request via the button below

On the form you'll be able to mark that this is a request to be forgotten.

Make a request