Subject access request

Automated decision-making

You have a number of rights regarding decisions made about you by a computer. This includes profiling, which can be part of an automated decision-making process.

You can:

  • challenge a decision that's been made (unless it's a legal requirement)
  • request an explanation of the decision
  • request that the decision is made by a person instead
  • object if you are being profiled.

Profiling is where decisions are made about you based on certain things in your personal information, such as health conditions. We may do this to help us deliver the most appropriate service to you. If we do use your personal information to profile you, we must tell you.

Where the Council uses automatic decision-making

The following services use automated decision-making:

  • Electoral Services: automated systems are used to determine whether you're entitled to vote. This is based on the age, address and nationality information you supply when registering to vote. Automated systems are also used to help staff check signatures for postal votes.
  • Benefits: your level of entitlement to means-tested benefits may be checked using an automated process.


Subject access request

Make an online request via the button below

On the form you'll be able to mark that this is an automated decision-making request.

Make a request