Council estate services: Communal issues

Council estate service standards

Working with our residents we have refined our estate service standards. Our standards cover the areas that the Housing Estate Services manages. Including working with other teams such as Grounds Maintenance and pest control teams.

Standards for cleanliness of internal communal areas

  • Check it is clean, dust free and check communal lighting. Door entry maintenance, graffiti cleaning, rubbish and litter clearing. To be completed weekly.
  • Mopping communal landing and staircases. To be completed monthly during October and March. Once in the summer (excludes porous concrete surfaces)
  • Communal areas must be left clear and free of any obstruction. Health and Safety obstructions will be removed with immediate effect
  • Maintaining information on noticeboards, including job sheets.

Standards for cleanliness of external communal areas

  • Sweep car parks, pathways, drying areas. To be completed weekly.
  • Empty litter bins and litter pick the external areas. To be completed weekly.
  • Scrape away moss after treatment. To be completed three times a year.

Fire safety check standards

  • Fire Risk Assessments are carried out once a year in internal communal areas.

Grounds maintenance standards (grass and shrubs)

  • Cut and collect grass. To be completed between March and October (usually at least monthly).
  • Prune shrubs and cut back bushes and hedges. To be completed between November and April.
  • Replanting shrub beds if necessary.
  • Collect leaves. To be completed monthly in the autumn.
  • Spray weeds/ treat moss. To be completed three times a year.
  • Maintain ponds and watercourses (ensure free-flow).
  • Monthly litter pick of adjoining highways land.
  • Monthly mechanical sweeping of carparks and garages.
  • For vulnerable residents you can apply for our assisted gardening scheme. Apply by emailing your Housing officer:

Tree maintenance standards (communal and garden)

  • Cut back any tree touching buildings. Tree trimming if causing structural damage or it’s a health and safety hazard or if the tree is diseased.
  • To report trees in housing communal areas, email:
  • For trees in gardens, email your Housing officer:
  • A tree audit has been completed to highlight a three-year tree pruning programme. Priority has been given to treating trees causing structural damage our estates.

Pest control standards

  • For vermin or insect infestation - email:
  • Block treatments can be organised where necessary. The source of the vermin source can be investigated by Pest Control.
  • For any vermin in your own home or garden, email your Housing officer:
  • For our worst affected estates, we carry out a regular Pest control treatment programme.

Parking standards

Decorating of communal area standards

  • Clean, clear ceilings and walls maintained to a high standard.
  • Estate services and major works to prioritise up to six estates for decoration. This is subject to funding.

Bins, litter and bulky waste removal standards

  • Estates are clean, tidy and free of bulk rubbish.
  • Emptying of waste bins. Completed every two weeks.
  • Recycling bins emptied every two weeks. Contaminated bins could be recharged to residents.
  • Food waste caddies and food waste bins are being rolled out for flats.
  • Estates and enforcement teams continue to work together to target fly tippers.

CCTV management

  • Looking at movable CCTV cameras that can be moved around. This is so we can target estates with the worst anti-social behaviour.

Pram sheds, garages and drying areas

  • Pram sheds, drying areas and garages will be part of a major works programme to be improved or demolished. This is if they are not to specification.

Gritting snow covered pathways (winter only)

  • We prioritise all external staircases and community centres. This is followed by estate pathways for gritting treatment to help clear snow. This excludes car parks due to health and safety reasons.
  • We check the forecast and fill gritting and salt bins every autumn.

Communal repairs (lights, lifts, floors and playgrounds)

Council community centres

  • Clean and maintain interior and exteriors of all council community centres. We also manage hiring and safety checks.

Communal window cleaning

  • Quarterly communal window cleaning service (external windows only).