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Options for victims of domestic violence

Domestic violence can happen against anyone. If you are facing domestic violence, you could consider some of the options below.

Going to a women's refuge

A refuge is a safe house. It is for women and children escaping domestic violence. Help will be available on welfare rights. It will cover legal issues, housing options, and more.

Some Women's Aid groups also have their own temporary housing. This offers more independent living. You may move on to this from a refuge whilst you are waiting for permanent housing.

You can refer yourself to a refuge. Call the Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 200 0247. You can also ask your housing officer or other agencies to refer you.

The Sanctuary Project

The Sanctuary Project helps victims of domestic violence and hate crime. They focus on those who are targeted repeatedly. They help victims feel safe and remain in their homes.

They create a 'sanctuary room' by modifying a door in your house which acts as an extra barrier. This provides a safe room for victims to call from and await the arrival of the police.

For more details, see the Sanctuary Project leaflet. To be assessed, contact our Housing assessment Team.

Staying with family or friends

This may be a safe option for you and give you some support. For many people this is only a short-term solution. If you live in social housing and stay with family or friends, you need to tell your housing officer. For more details see our domestic violence advice leaflet.

Domestic abuse policy

The policy outlines our service to abuse survivors. Our Violence against women and girls (VAWG) strategy group manages our strategy. The policy is currently being updated and will be available soon.

Domestic violence support agencies

We can help you contact support agencies. They will listen and understand your needs. Below you’ll find a list of agencies who can help you and provide support.


In cases of emergency call 999 or 101 for non-emergencies.

If you do not want any of the support agencies to know your phone number you can dial 141 first. This will not prevent the number you have called from showing up on your phone bill.

You may prefer to phone from a friends house or a phone box.

National domestic violence support agencies

London domestic violence support agencies

Harrow domestic violence support agencies

Other specialist support services