Rent and service charges from 7th April 2025
Each year we set new rent and service charges. For details, see Rent and service charges from 7th April 2025 FAQs
If you are a council tenant you will have to pay your housing rent to us as your landlord. There are a few different ways you can pay your housing rent:
Make a payment online
To make a one-off rent payment online you will need:
- your name and address details
- your rent payment number.
Set up a Direct Debit
To set up a Direct Debit you will need to:
- complete the Direct Debit form
- send the completed form to: London Borough of Harrow, Housing Services, PO Box 1367, Harrow, HA3 3QT.
The most popular way to pay your rent is by Direct Debit. This automates the payment so you don't have to think about it any more.
If you cannot download and print the Direct Debit form, call us on 020 8901 2630 to request a form.
We arrange for your bank to pay the rent every month on the 4th, 18th or 25th of each month.
We will let you and your bank know if there is a change to the amount you have to pay.
Pay by telephone
To pay your rent by telephone using a Debit or Credit card:
call our automated payment line on 020 8424 1220.
Pay by bank transfer (BACS)
You can pay your rent by BACS or by setting up a standing order. You'll need to provide our bank details and your rent payment number.
You can set the amount to pay and the frequency of payment, for example, weekly or monthly. Unlike a Direct Debit, you will need to tell your bank if your rent goes up or down.
London Borough of Harrow bank details:
Account number: 19245025
Sort code: 60-10-10
If you need it, our bank address is: NatWest, 315 Station Road, Harrow.
View your rent balance and request a statement
Council tenants can view their rent balance on their online Council Housing Account. You can sign in to your online Council Housing Account to:
- view your rent balance
- view previous rent payments
- request a rent statement.
When to pay your rent
You must pay at least one week’s rent before your tenancy starts. This is because your rent is due every Monday for the following week.
After that you must continue to pay your rent every Monday for the following week.
You must pay your rent even if you do not move into the property at the start of the tenancy. This could mean you have to pay rent on two homes.
It is always your responsibility to make sure that your rent is paid in full and on time.
Get help to pay your rent
If you are on a low income, you might qualify for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. This means that you could get help to pay your rent.
You should apply soon after signing your tenancy agreement. If you don't, you may lose out.
Discuss rent arrears
Contact your rent officer using the form below if you have:
- rent arrears that you are struggling to repay
- received a court hearing letter
- received an eviction date letter.
Rent and service charges from 7th April 2025
Each year we set new rent and service charges that tenants need to pay. From 7th April 2025 the rent increase is 2.7%. There will be changes to your rent and other charges for the 2025/26 financial year.
Changes to your rent account
Your rent and other charges will no longer be applied one week late. From this financial year we will apply the charges in the week that they are due.
This means your rent account is brought up to date. It now reflects your rent balance more accurately.
What if I am on Housing Benefits?
If you are eligible for full Housing Benefit, your rent account will be brought up to date. Your Housing Benefit will be paid into your account each Tuesday to match the rent and other charges. You do not need to take any action. Please continue to pay your rent as usual.
When will the new rent and service charges start?
New housing rent charges start on the first Monday in April every year. For 2025/26 it will start on 7th April 2025.
Do I need to do anything before 7th April 2025?
No, you do not need to do anything yet.
You will receive an ‘amount to pay’ letter at the end of March. The letter will list all charges including Housing Benefits you are entitled to. The letter will also show you exactly how much your weekly or monthly payment will be.
Universal Credit
Report rent increase changes on your Universal Credit journal on 7th April 2025 – not before this date.
Standing orders
If you pay by standing order you will need to change the amount of your payment from 7th April 2025. You can change the amount once you know your new weekly rent amount.
If you have made a plan to settle arrears, it will be unaffected. You must keep making the agreed extra payments.
Direct Debits
If you pay by Direct Debit, we will write to you to confirm how much will be collected from your bank each month. This includes any agreed arrangements.
Standing orders
If you pay by standing order you will need to change the amount of your payment from 1st April 2024. You can change the amount once you know your new weekly rent amount.
How is my rent calculated?
We calculate our housing rents under government guidance. The government limits annual rent increases. They must be to the consumer price index (CPI) at the preceding September plus 1%.
For the financial year 2024/25, your rent will increase by 7.7% for general needs tenants. Changes to other charges are based on the amount of money spent on those services. This also applies to Sheltered tenants.
We know that for many tenants, this year is hard. Inflation and living costs are increasing. This is especially true for energy and food costs.
We need a rent increase in April 2024. Without it, we can't keep up the current service or improve housing.
Service Charges
There is an average service charge increase of 3.0% for 2025/26. Part of this increase is based on anticipated inflation in 2025/26.
We got a lot of feedback from residents last year so this year we will provide different service levels based on the service that you receive. They will be based on the work needed for inside and outside parts of blocks and estates. Residents of street properties will pay less than residents who live in a block or an estate.
We have recruited more caretakers. This will improve service for blocks and estates. We will keep doing periodic window cleaning to communal windows in blocks.
Non-Secure Service Charges
This charge is applicable if you have a non-secure tenancy. This includes the items in the property. They include a cooker, carpets, and curtains. The charge for the non-secure service is eligible for Housing Benefit.
Water Charges
Most tenants will get a separate water bill. They will get it from their water company.
Sheltered housing tenants
Sheltered housing resident service costs:
Facilities charge
We provide heating and hot water to the individual flats in sheltered housing. They also get access to Careline support and laundry facilities. A facilities charge is payable where these services are provided. The charge is not eligible for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit.
Enhanced Management Service charge
This includes extra support provided at the sheltered scheme by the staff. This charge is eligible for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit.
What is the rental income used for?
When you pay your rent, the money is put into the our Housing Revenue Account. This money pays for the housing services you receive. It also covers things like our borrowing costs. These costs are for major repairs and improvements to council homes. Rent money can only be used for services for residents in council homes. It can also be used for leaseholders. So it cannot be used to subsidise council tax.
Different types of services and service charges
Grounds maintenance. We do grass cutting, pruning of bushes and trees, and general gardening. We also weed communal areas around estates and blocks. It includes the maintenance of play equipment on estates. We carry out a cyclical programme of tree pruning on estates throughout the borough.
Caretaking. This is for dedicated estates services operatives. They will sweep and clean common areas in your block and your estate. Deep cleans are done every 6 to 8 weeks. They will also carry out safety checks. They are also responsible for litter picking and removal of fly-tipping on housing land. These services are not covered by council tax.
Window cleaning. Communal windows are cleaned twice a year.
Pest control. The service is carried out as and when needed in blocks
Light and power (communal lighting). The fee covers electricity for shared lights. It also includes charges for fixing and up-keeping lights in common areas of buildings and estates.
Estates road maintenance. The charges are for inspecting, repairing, and maintaining roads in estates. They are also for paths around blocks.
Sheltered housing service. Charges for cleaning service for sheltered schemes. This includes staff costs and the cost of cleaning materials.
How can I get more information on how rents are calculated?
If you need more information you can contact the Resident Services team:
Phone Customer Services: 020 8901 2630
When you contact us by telephone, we will need to ask you some questions to verify your identity. This is because we cannot discuss tenancy information with anyone other than the tenant.
Will Housing Benefit or Universal Credit cover increases in rent and charges?
Rent and service charge increases may not be covered by Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. This will depend on your personal circumstances and your earnings.
Housing Benefit is based on how many bedrooms you need, not how many you have in your council home. This means that if you have more bedrooms than the Government thinks you need, your Housing Benefit (or Universal Credit) will be reduced.
When you apply for Housing Benefit, you need to tell us about your income, savings, rent, and the income of others who live with you. You also need to provide proof about these things. If your household situation changes, this will affect your Housing Benefit. You must tell the Benefits team if your situation changes. Do so soon or you may get less than you should.
You may be entitled to Universal Credit. It helps with your living costs and rent. You can get it if you are on a low income or out of work.
If you get Universal Credit, you must report any changes to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). You should receive a 'To Do' through your Universal Credit journal.
What happens to Universal Credit from April 2024?
Moving claimants from their old benefits to Universal Credit is called Managed Migration. Claimants have three months from getting their notice to claim Universal Credit. They must do this before their old benefit ends. Once you get a Migration Notice, you must follow its instructions. Or, your benefits may stop.
Your letter will include a deadline. It will tell you when to start your claim for Universal Credit. You don’t need to do anything until you receive your migration notice from DWP.
I think my rent is too high, what can I do about it?
We have followed the Government’s rent policy to calculate your rent charge. We cannot change the rent for one property. If you are worried about affording your rent, you can speak to our Resident Services Team on 020 8901 2630 or