Performance and Regulation

Regulatory judgements, service standards and other information

Regulatory judgements

Find out about inspection reports, regulatory notices and judgements about the council as a landlord and our response, as they arise.

Regulatory Notice, April 2023

Service standards

It is important both the council and residents understand their role and responsibilities. To help make this more transparent, please see the following Service Standards:

We are currently  reviewing the Repairs Charter –this reflects the Decent Homes Standard defined by the government.

Rent and service charges

Council tenants can sign in to the Housing Online Account to see their rent statement, transactions and to make payments 24/7.

You can link your housing account by signing in to MyHarrow Account on our Housing and Property homepage.

If you need help to link to your account, see Help to link to your housing account.

Each year council tenant rents and services charges are reviewed and published from 1st April.  Leaseholder service charges are reviewed in the Autumn. For information see Rent and service charges.

For information about our performance on collecting rent and how the council spends rental income please see our Annual report 

Other regulatory information

One of the 4 Consumer Standards is called ‘Transparency, Influence and Accountability ‘.

Annual Report