School library service

Harrow Junior Book Award

The Harrow Junior Book award was launched in 2015 by the school library service. It takes place on an annual basis. It is a chance for schools to introduce year 5 and 6 pupils to some of the best new children's fiction and to vote for a winner at the end of the process.

Shortlisted titles for the Harrow Junior Book Award 2024

Shortlisted books for the Harrow Junior Book Award


We are delighted to announce the shortlist of this year’s Harrow Junior Book Award, an annual prize for the best children’s fiction book decided by children in years 5 and 6.

Taking part in the award is not only an excellent way to promote reading for pleasure, but also encourages young readers to broaden their reading experience by exploring different writing styles and fiction genres. Six exciting and demanding reads have been selected from the most talented and exciting authors currently writing for children, whose books draw inspiration from true events and real-world settings, myths, legends, and fantasy across time and space.

Included in this year’s selection are

  • The Storm Swimmer by Clare Weze: a page-turning adventure set on the storm swept coast of Scotland
  • My Friend the Octopus by Lindsay Galvin an enthralling mystery set in 1877
  • Children of the Stone City by Beverley Naidoo is an allegorical adventure resulting in a tense fast-paced story
  • Tyger by S.F. Said: set in an alternative 21st century London
  • The Monkey who fell from the Future by Ross Welford: is an action packed time travelling adventure
  • Leeva at Last by Sara Pennypacker: a hilarious but thought provoking story about a young girl who is as intelligent and resourceful as her neglectful parents are materialistic and ignorant.

The judging of the award takes place from November to May each year culminating in an award ceremony attended by all the participating schools with a guest of honour.  We are delighted to announce that last year’s winning author, Chrisopher Edge will be joining us for this special celebration on Friday 14th June 2024.

The award timetable:

  • 8th November 2023: Announcement of the Harrow Junior Award Shortlist
  • 13th November 2023 - Friday 24th May 2024: Judging of the shortlist
  • 14th June 2024: Award ceremony at Pinner Wood Primary School

How to participate

Participation is free for subscribing schools and other primary schools are encouraged to join in by subscribing to our Enrichment Activities package which includes the Harrow Junior Book Award.

Please contact Harrow School Library Service if your school would like to take part in this year’s award: 0203 714 7739