School library service

Harrow Picture Book Award

The Harrow Picture Book Award was launched in Spring 2023 and is aimed at KS1. The award aims to introduce younger children to some of the wonderful picture books currently being published, and to encourage reading for pleasure through the sharing and enjoyment of six outstanding books on a chosen theme.

Harrow Picture Book Award 2024 Shortlist

Picture books

We are delighted to announce the Harrow Picture Book Award shortlist for 2024. This year all six books share the theme of transport, taking our young readers around the world, out into space and even back in time through engaging stories and exceptional illustrations.

Included in this year’s selection are

  • Zoom by Sam Usher is an exciting story which begins on a swelteringly hot summer night
  • There's Nothing Faster than a Cheetah by Tom Nicholl and Ross Collins: this story is a delight to read aloud, with hilarious illustrations bouncing across the page.
  • Special Delivery: A Book's Journey Around the World by Polly Faber and Klas Fahlen. This is a fascinating non-fiction picture book of the amazing journey that a book and many other everyday things make
  • Supertato: Mean Green Time Machine by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet is an exciting adventure featuring the veggie hero and his arch-nemesis the Evil Pea
  • The Flying Scotsman and the Best Birthday Ever by Michael Morpurgo and Michael Foreman is a tribute by one of the best loved partnerships in children's literature to one of the most famous trains in the world
  • Bunnies in the Boat by Philip Ardagh and Ben Mantle is a brilliant new adventure featuring the mischievous band of bunnies who love things that 'go'.

The judging process for this award is intended to be very flexible and inclusive, and capable of being adapted to suit the children involved. The aim is for teachers and librarians to read all six books with the children who then vote to decide on their top three. A teachers’ resource pack is provided containing activities to help the children to explore the stories and illustrations in more depth.

At the end of six weeks of reading and voting, all the children participating are invited to an online celebration with a guest of honour, an author, illustrator or storyteller for the children to meet, after which the winning picture book is announced.

If your school would be interested in taking part, please contact Harrow School Library Service on