What is Building Control?
If you want to build in Harrow you might need to get Building Control approval from us. Building Control ensures that building works meet set standards for:
- health and safety of people in and around buildings
- conservation of fuel and power, and
- accessibility.
Building Control also also oversees other aspects of construction. These include:
- controlled demolition
- licensing temporary and special structures
- managing dangerous buildings.
Our surveyors ensure you follow the law during building. This protects the health and safety of people in and around buildings.
When would you need Building Control approval?
You can find the types of work needing Building Control approval on GOV.UK. It also lists those that don't. If you start building works without approval you might:
- Need to do expensive alterations or demolish the work later.
- Be putting the health and safety of the people in the building at risk.
- Have to go to court and pay a fine.
- Have problems in the future when it comes to selling the property.
Apply for Building Control
You can apply for Building Control online. The benefits of online applications are:
- it's a free service
- it is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week
- you do not need a printer or to pay any postage
- you can manage and track your application online.
Other ways of submitting an application
If you want to apply offline, download the applications below:
- Full Plans Application Form
- Building Notice Application Form
- Regularisation Form
- Demolition Notice Form
- Notice of completion by a person carrying out building work
You can print and email, post or hand them to us on person.
Application by email
Please convert all Word documents to PDF files. Then email them to bcontrol@harrow.gov.uk.
Application by post
There may be delays processing your application if you send it by mail. Complete the downloadable applications forms above. Submit them with your fee and any extra information.
Send your application to:
Building Control, PO Box 37, Harrow, HA3 3QZ.
Application in person
There may be delays processing your application if you hand it in, in person. You will not receive a receipt if you submit the documents by hand. Complete the downloadable applications forms above. Submit them with your fee and any extra information.
Bring your application to:
Greenhill Library, Perceval Square, College Road, Harrow, HA1 1GX.
Building Control application fees
To view the current fees, select an application type below. Some fees will be changing from 1st April 2025. Please see the new notification of amendment here.
- New Dwellings (New Build and Conversions)
- Domestic Extensions: Alterations to a Single Dwelling
- Domestic Extensions: Alterations to a Single Dwelling. (Simplified version)
- Non-Domestic New Build, Extensions, and Alterations
In line with the London Borough of Harrow's Flagship Actions, Building Control are putting residents first. This means we have frozen small domestic works for the 2025-2026 period.
Pay for Building Control online
You can make a payment online. You will need your:
- application type
- reference number
If you are unsure of your application type or reference number, please call our office.
Payment by phone
To make a payment by phone, you will need to have a valid credit or debit card. Call us on 020 8736 6058.
Payment by cheque
You can make a payment by cheque but please note that there may be delays in processing them.
Your cheque should:
- be made payable to the London Borough of Harrow
- Include the site address and the application reference.
- be sent to Building Control, P.O. Box 37, Harrow, HA3 3QZ
- be marked 'for the attention of Planning and Building Control.'
Site inspections
Our Building Control team operates a same-day site inspection service. If you need a same-day inspection, you will need to call the office before 9:00a.m. on the day. You can book a same-day inspection by calling: 020 8736 6058.
At busy times, please leave a message, and one of the team will get back to you.
You may also email us on bcontrol@harrow.gov.uk before the date that you need the inspection. But we cannot arrange same day inspections by email. We recommend you arrange inspections by phone.
Site inspection times
Site visits are available on weekdays from Monday to Friday. The inspection times are:
- Morning visits: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- Afternoon visits: 12 p.m. - 3 p.m.
It may be possible to book outside these hours. This is if you have a prior arrangement with a specific officer.
If you are trying to book an inspection by phone and all our officers are busy, you can leave a message. Your voicemail will need to include:
- your property address
- the date you would like the inspection
- what is being inspected (foundation, roof, etc.)
- if you would like a morning or afternoon inspection.
Our messaging service is monitored from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday to Friday). A team member will contact you during these times.
Issues with Approved Inspectors/Private Building Control Providers
We are aware that there are currently issues with several private building control providers, (formerly known as Approved Inspectors but now known as Registered Building Control Approvers [RBCA]) where applications are being cancelled and in some cases where companies have ceased to trade. If this is the case, in some instances the building work will need to revert to the Local Authority. If you have received a cancellation notice, or have been contacted by us regarding the cancellation of your project by your AI/RBCA, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0208 736 6058 or bcontrol@harrow.gov.uk
Building Control searches
You can request copies of documents and records. This is under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. To make a request, email: property.enquiries@harrow.gov.uk. Please note we are only obliged to maintain records for up to 15 years.
Updates to Building Control Regulations
For more information read our guidance notes. Applications with Full Plans have changed. The applicant has a duty to ensure they have competent designers and contractors working for them. This is if they do not deem themselves competent enough to do the job.
For applications with Full Plans and Building Notices, the applicant must submit a completion notice. This is under Regulation 16(4a). Failure to submit this will result in a withholding of the completion certification.
From October 2023, new regulations came into force. It adds new requirements for duty holders, including:
- the applicant
- client
- principal designer
- principal contractor.
For more information see:
Revised Approved Documents
- Approved Document A
- Approved Document B Vol 1 (2022)
- Approved Document B Vol 2 (2022)
- Approved Document B (June 2022 amendments)
- Approved Document C
- Approved Document D
- Approved Document E
- Approved Document F Vol 1 (2021)
- Approved Document F Vol 2 (2021)
- Approved Document G
- Approved Document H
- Approved Document J
- Approved Document K
- Approved Document L Vol 1 (2021)
- Approved Document L Vol 2 (2021)
- Approved Document M Vol 1
- Approved Document M Vol 2
- Approved Document O
- Approved Document P
- Approved Document Q
- Approved Document R Vol 1 (2022)
- Approved Document R Vol 2 (2022)
- Approved Document S
- Approved Document T from 1st Oct 2024
- Approved Document 7
Please visit GOV.UK to see other approved documents.
Building control guides and latest news
- Householder guidance
- New U-Value Guide from Herts Technical Group
- Building control customer charter
- Building control enforcement policy
- Information on spray foam insulation(new)
- Guidance Note - Approved Document G (2010 edition)
- Guidance Note - Chimney Breast Removal
- Guidance Note - Fire Safety in Dwelling houses
- Guidance Note - Fire Safety in Buildings. (Other than Dwelling houses)
- Guidance Note - Re-Roofing
- Guidance Note - Domestic electrical work
- Find a registered electrician
- Building work, replacements and repairs to your home
- The Party Wall Act Explanatory Booklet
- Is your home polluting Harrow's Rivers?
- Fire Safety - A clear and impartial guide
- Cold Weather Working advice
- Green Homes Grant - Householders and Contractors