Eligibility criteria and frequently asked questions
We can build a vehicle crossing if
you have a suitable surface to park your car.
your garden is a minimum of 4.8 m deep or can accommodate a 5 m x 2 m parking bay. You must be able to access it without driving over the footway and obstructing safe access to the front door. This is to ensure that your car does not overhang on to the footway and obstruct pedestrians or prevent safe exit from the property.
your view when driving out of your property is not obstructed by high walls or fencing
the proposal will not affect the safety of traffic and pedestrians
Planning permission
You will not normally need planning permission unless you live in certain conservation areas, on certain main roads or if your property is a flat or maisonette.
If it is required you will need to first apply for the crossing. After the crossing is approved you can apply for planning permission. Proof of planning permission will be required before construction can begin.
Frequently asked questions about vehicle crossings
What is a Vehicle Crossing?
A Vehicle Crossing is where Harrow Council re-constructs the footway to enable your vehicle to access your property via the highway.
Who can I contact for advice or to request an application form?
We can assist you with questions relating to making and sending out an application: Tel: 020 8416 8783 Email: VehicleCrossings@harrow.gov.uk
Do I have to pay for this service?
Yes you do. See our vehicle crossing fees page.
How much does this service cost?
Firstly, there is an application fee of £132.30 to receive an estimate.
What is the average cost of a vehicle crossing?
The average cost per square metre, are shown below dependent on the construction material used.
- Tarmac crossing: £140 - £180 per square metre
- Concrete crossing: £140 - £180 per square metre
- Block paved crossing: £160 - £200 per square metre
Additional costs will be charged if the relocation of street furniture is required.
Can I choose the materials of the vehicle crossing?
No. The construction materials are determined by the engineer based on the street scene of existing crossings and other engineering factors such as type of vehicles and weight.
What is the minimum and maximum size of a crossing?
The minimum width of lowered kerb is 2.7 metres and the maximum width of lowered kerb is 4.5 metres (3.6m where grass verges are present).
Tapering sloped kerbs are to be added to one or both sides of the crossing, which ranges from 0.6 metre to 0.9 metre for a sloped kerb.
There may well be existing crossings that exceed 4.5 metres of lowered kerb. However this situation does not set any form of precedence and more restrictive policies have been introduced since these crossings were constructed.
What is the minimum depth of front garden to gain approval for a vehicle crossing?
There is a requirement to have a minimum of 4.8 metres of clear depth from the boundary of the property to the point that extends the furthest from the house (normally the bay window). This is to prevent vehicles from overhanging into the highway and thus preventing blocking the path of pedestrians. If you do not have a minimum of 4.8 metres depth, so long as you can accommodate a 5m x 2m parking bay without overhanging the footway, you may be able to have a vehicle crossing.
Can I extend my existing vehicle crossing?
There is a potential to extend the amount of lowered kerb to a maximum width of 4.5 metres (which is to include the existing amount of lowered kerb). For example; if you have an existing crossing of 2.5 metres of lowered kerb, there maybe an opportunity to extend the crossing by an additional 2 metres of lowered kerb (4.5 - 2.5 = 2.0).
Can I apply for a second vehicle crossing?
There will be a presumption in favour to apply for a second crossing on heavily trafficked roads (Classified roads) to benefit road safety in allowing vehicles to enter and leave without reversing. However, a second crossing will not be permitted where grass verges or trees will be affected.
What if my existing crossing exceeds 4.5 metres of lowered kerb?
Any application submitted will be refused.
There is a lamp column outside my house where I want to locate a vehicle crossing?
If an existing lamp column interferes with a proposed crossing, a separate estimate will be prepared to inform you of the associated costs in relocating the lamp column. This may involve having to erect a secondary lamp column to maintain the correct amount of light and column spacing.
Will a street tree affect my application?
If a tree is situated within the proposed vehicle crossing, your application will be referred to a Tree Officer. They will gauge whether the tree can be removed. If so, two new saplings will be planted in the borough at your expense.
This option is only available if the tree is dead, diseased or dangerous. Generally, a crossing should have a minimum clearance of 4 x the tree trunk circumference to allow safe construction without affecting the health and stability of the tree.
If a tree is near to where you are proposing a vehicle crossing, a trial excavation maybe required, at your expense, and details of these costs can be found of the fees leaflet.
There is a fire Hydrant in the footway where I want the vehicle crossing to be constructed
You will need to contact your local water supplier to establish if the valve is low enough for the vehicle crossing to be constructed. If the valve is not low enough, you will be charged by the water supplier to relocate or lower the hydrant. The marker plate may also need to be relocated and updated to reflect the new information of the position of the hydrant. You will be required to send any correspondence letters from your water supplier in order to update our records and construct the crossing.
There is a Telegraph Pole or Cable TV/British Telecom Cabinet in the footway where I want the vehicle crossing to be constructed
You are required to contact the utility supplier to establish if the equipment can be relocated. All costs borne by the applicant. You will then need to provide all copies of documentation at the time of application.
My property is a council house. Do I need permission?
Yes. Approval in writing from the Housing department will be required on completion of the estimate by gaining permission to revert the front garden to appropriate hardstanding facilities.
On receipt of this permission you are requested to forward all correspondence in order to update your file.
Do I need Planning permission?
Planning permission will be required if your property is:
- a flat
- maisonette
- if access is proposed from a principal road
- if the address is a business property
The period to achieve planning permission can be between 8 – 12 weeks.
The current fee is:
- £206 for a single dwelling
- £407 for two dwellings
- £234 for businesses
If planning permission is required due the property being a flat or maisonette or if access is proposed from a principal road, please use the Householder Application, Town & Country Planning Act 1990.
If planning permission is required due the property being a business property, please use the Full Application, Town & Country Planning Act 1990.
There is also a requirement to apply for planning permission if you live in a conservation area which will stipulate the materials to be used on the front garden.
You are required to send a copy of the full planning permission when making the full payment in order to update our records.
How do I reconstruct my front garden to accommodate my vehicle?
There is a requirement to reconstruct your frontage using permeable materials. It must be a minimum of 25% of the front garden's dimensions and can be done as permeable block paving. Such paving must have permeable areas into which surface water can drain, but must not discharge on to the highway or connect with the rain water down pipes.
Other materials that are acceptable are Grasscrete and gravelled material. Please ensure that an apron of hard material is constructed across the frontage of the property to prevent stones being introduced onto the highway and thus causing a safety concern. Find out more about paving your front garden.
I have a Parking Bay outside my house; can I still have a crossing?
Yes you can, unless it is for a disabled bay installed for another resident. The bay will be removed on completion of the works. There is a fee to remove parking bays which will be included within the estimate.
What happens once I have completed my parking facilities and I want to proceed with the vehicle crossing?
The quickest and easiest way to pay the balance is, via an online payment system, in which you will be sent an electronic receipt via email.
There will be an additional charge of 1.5% if paid by credit card but no charge for debit cards.
Alternatively, you can send a copy of the payment letter with a cheque to the following address:
Harrow Engineering Services
Traffic Highways & Asset Management
PO Box 1362
Harrow Council Hub
Forward Drive