The Children and Young Adults Disabilities Service is also known as CYADS. It is for children and young people from 0 to 25 years, with a moderate, severe or profound disability. The team offers a full assessment service and can provide the services below.
Social work support
Social workers can help you in two main ways. They can:
- support you in the parenting role and help you to access further council services
- act as advocate on behalf of your child with the local authority and other agencies
Home care services
Some children and young people need help with personal care, such as washing or changing. If a social worker's assessment shows a need for support, the CYAD Panel will be informed.
Direct Payments
You can receive direct payments to:
- buy services from an independent organisation; or
- use a carer instead of having services arranged for you
A direct payment can only be made following an assessment of need or if you qualify for a Core Offer short break. To qualify you must be in receipt of medium to high rate Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
Moving into adulthood (transition)
Transition planning takes place in year 9. It is part of a young person's special educational needs (SEN) annual review. This ensures that young disabled people receive support to plan and achieve goals.
Carers Assessment
Social Workers and Care Managers conduct carers assessments. They work out how best to provide you and the person in your care with services. This is an opportunity to describe your role as a carer and what would make caring easier for you.