Bin days and Garden waste
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Bin days not showing for your address?
If you cant see your bin days please complete our form. This will help us to add your bin days to the website as soon as possible.
Why are some bins not collected?
Bins can be missed for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, these reasons may be out of your hands. For example, your bin can be contaminated by pedestrians when they are on the kerb. We get that these situations might not be your fault. But since our bin crews can't verify this, they may not return to collect your bins.
How can I follow up a reported missed bin?
When you report a missed bin, you will receive a reference number. This reference number can be used to follow up your report on our missed bin collections page.
If you see 'Why can't I report this missed bin?' it means that it has been over 72 hours since your bin collection and will no longer be able to report your missed bin collection.
Bin days not showing for your address?
If you cant see your bin days please complete our form. This will help us to add your bin days to the website as soon as possible.
What happens if my bin is not collected?
If your bin is not collected, you have 48 hours from 5pm on the day of collection to report it. If your collection day is Monday, you can report a missed bin from 5pm on Monday to 5pm on Wednesday. Our bin crew will come back to collect your missed bins in three days. This excludes weekends. You can select a bin type on this page to see your options.
How can I follow up a reported missed bin?
When you report a missed bin, you will receive a reference number. This reference number can be used to follow up your report on our missed bin collections page.
Waiting for an order or repair?
We are sorry if you are waiting longer than you need to for an order or repair. To find out where your order or request is, complete our bin follow-up form.
Do you need to report a missed bin?
You can report a missed bin by choosing the bin type above and selecting 'Report this bin as missed.'
If instead you see 'Why can't I report this missed bin?' it means that it has been over 72 hours since your bin collection and will no longer be able to report your missed bin collection.
Bin days not showing for your address?
If you cant see your bin days please complete our form. This will help us to add your bin days to the website as soon as possible.
Bin days not showing for the following week?
If your bin days aren't showing for next week, it may be because your next bin day is more than seven days away. In this case, you may need to try again after a few days.
Need help putting your bins out each week?
If you need help moving your bins to the collection point each week, we can help you. You can sign up for the assisted waste collection service. This service means that we will collect your bins from your front garden. This means you do not need to take your bins to the pavement each week. For more details, see our help to take out your bins page.
Subscribe to a Garden waste service
It looks like you don’t currently have an active Garden waste subscription.
When you subscribe to a Garden waste service, our crews will collect your brown Garden waste bins every two weeks.
Once you have an active Garden waste service, you can manage your subscription online.
When is Garden waste collected?
Our crews will collect your brown bins every two weeks between April and March. If you sign up during the year, your collections will continue until the following March.
Want to pay by Direct Debit?
If you pay by Direct Debit, your service will keep going until you cancel it. This is why your collection end date may display as some time in the very distant future.
Not received emails from us?
When you sign up for the service, we will email you with your new details. Please check your junk or spam folders if you do not receive your welcome email in your inbox.
Have extra Garden waste that won't fit in your bin?
You can bring any Garden waste that won't fit in your bin to the Harrow recycling centre.
Make an enquiry
To tell us if you want to make an order or inform us of a problem with your bin service, select an option from the list below.
What happens if my bin is not collected?
If your bin is not collected, you have 48 hours from 5pm on the day of collection to report it. If your collection day is Monday, you can report a missed bin from 5pm on Monday to 5pm on Wednesday. Our bin crew will come back to collect your missed bins in three days. This excludes weekends. You can select a bin type on this page to see your options.
How can I follow up a reported missed bin?
When you report a missed bin, you will receive a reference number. This reference number can be used to follow up your report on our missed bin collections page.
Waiting for an order or repair?
We are sorry if you are waiting longer than you need to for an order or repair. To find out where your order or request is, complete our bin follow-up form.
Need help putting your bins out each week?
If you need help moving your bins to the collection point each week, we can help you. You can sign up for the assisted waste collection service. This service means that we will collect your bins from your front garden. This means you do not need to take your bins to the pavement each week. For more details, see our help to take out your bins page.
Make a booking
To make a booking for a service such as a slot at the Recycling centre, select a service from the list below.
What happens if my bin is not collected?
If your bin is not collected, you have 48 hours from 5pm on the day of collection to report it. If your collection day is Monday, you can report a missed bin from 5pm on Monday to 5pm on Wednesday. Our bin crew will come back to collect your missed bins in three days. This excludes weekends. You can select a bin type on this page to see your options.
How can I follow up a reported missed bin?
When you report a missed bin, you will receive a reference number. This reference number can be used to follow up your report on our missed bin collections page.
Waiting for an order or repair?
We are sorry if you are waiting longer than you need to for an order or repair. To find out where your order or request is, complete our bin follow-up form.
Need help putting your bins out each week?
If you need help moving your bins to the collection point each week, we can help you. You can sign up for the assisted waste collection service. This service means that we will collect your bins from your front garden. This means you do not need to take your bins to the pavement each week. For more details, see our help to take out your bins page.
View your bin days, report a missed bin or manage your Garden waste service. Enter your postcode, for example: HA2 0DQ
If your address or bin days are not showing you can complete our online form.