Young carers

Identifying a young carer

Young carers are those who take care of a parent or other family member, including siblings or grandparents. It could also be for someone outside the family who has care and support needs. A young carer is aged 5-17.

Signs that someone could be a young carer include:

  •     not completing homework, absenteeism, lateness, inability to take part in after school activities
  •     often tired, distracted, withdrawn or anxious
  •     lack of time for play, sports and leisure activities
  •     social isolation - Young carers can feel that no one else can understand their experience
  •     victim of bullying
  •     behavioural problems, including offending and anti-social behaviour
  •     health related issues associated with lifting, such as back pain

Recognising someone as a young carer is not always easy, as their role may be hidden unintentionally or intentionally. Some young people and families identify with the term 'young carer'.