Young carers

Further details about assessments

A young carer is someone under 18 who helps "care" for another person who needs support. This can be due to:

  • illness
  • a disability/condition
  • substance misuse
  • mental health problems

Caring can cover a lot of different things like helping the person you care for with their:

  • washing
  • dressing or eating
  • taking them to appointments
  • keeping them company when they feel lonely or anxious.

You may also give them medicine or help with housework or look after your brothers or sisters.

How can an assessment help me?

An assessment will formally recognise you as a young carer. This can help later if things get harder as it means we already understand the challenges you face.

The assessment helps us identify support needs for you and your family. For many its help with having people to talk to, having time away, and support with education.

Some young carers take on responsibilities that are too much. This includes washing the person they care for or having to try and sort out complex medications. When this happens we can work with you to provide more support for your family. This helps reduce the pressure and allow you to have more time to see friends, get good grades, and follow your dreams.

You will be sent a copy of the assessment. It will include things to help you and details of where young carers can get extra support.

When, where, and how long are the assessments?

  • From February 2022 to June 2022 The Young Carers team at Harrow Carers will be carrying out young carers assessments.
  • Assessments take place online or at the Harrow Carers Centre after school and on Saturday mornings.  They can also be done in your home if you’re not able to get out. 
  • The assessment meeting will take approximately one hour.
  • Assessments can take up to 30 days to be completed from request, but this may take longer during peak times.

Social workers

Social workers wishing to request a young carers' assessment should follow the council's internal YC pathway for submitting an assessment request.

Do my parents have to be there?

As part of the assessment we want to speak with your family unless it’s not safe for you. If you want to also speak with a team member separately you can ask for this. 

Extra support in assessments 

If you or your family need extra help such as an interpreter just let our team know. We will work with you to make sure everyone's voice is heard.