Young carers

Getting help if you are a young carer

Getting help if you are a young carer

All young people who are carers in some capacity are entitled to a Young Carers Assessment. 

The assessment exposes whether they are facing any difficulties now, or indeed if they are likely to in the future. As a result the council and other agencies can provide help and support.

The support provided is based on the individual’s situation. It could include:

  • information and advice
  • flexibility, emotional support and other help for Young Carers in their school or college
  • trips, activities and clubs with other Young Carers to spend time together to have fun, make friends and build confidence
  • help for the family to talk to each other about how they feel, what they would like to happen and what they would like to know
  • supporting an Adult Carer to help them cope better with their caring responsibility, so that the Young Carer can reduce the amount of care they provide

What happens at the assessment?

At the assessment we talk to you to find out how you feel about looking after someone and to find out how we can provide help and support. To do this, a family support worker will:

  • ask about the care needs of the person who has a health, or alcohol/drug concern and who helps them, or could help them in the future.
  • ask about the amount, nature and type of care which is or will be provided by the Young Carer.
  • talk to the Young Carer and to key family members (e.g. parent), to find out how they feel, any problems they are having and what they would like to happen.
  • ask the Young Carer, or their parent, if the worker can speak to other people who know them, like their teacher or doctor, or important family and friends, to find out more information.
  • decide what help and support should be provided and discuss this with the Young Carer and their family.
  • give a copy of the assessment to the family to read and keep.
  • you may request for other professionals to be included in the assessment and should advise of this when booking your reassessment.


Here are some of the things young carers are saying about the service:

  • My life was chaotic then I found young carers.
  • I thought I was alone then I found out there were other young people just like me who understood.
  • Talking to other young carers helped me when my mum was really ill.
  • I was always worried about people finding out I cared for my mum. Thanks to a young carers assessment now people are here to help and I can get to school on time.
  • Thanks to a young carer's assessment our family was able to get help for my brother. So I could have more time with my mum.